Automobile Crate Washer

Automobile Crate Washer

IDEF Crate Washer is an expert in hygiene and operates in the Automobile Industry.

These advantages ensure that our IDEF Crate Washers are sustainable, environmentally friendly, and cost-saving machines.

IDEF Automobile Crate Washers have become a key element in the automobile industry, and it is used for cleaning, and drying Automobile Crates. IDEF offers the highest quality Automobile Crate Washer, these crates can wash, rinse and dry up to your most demanding high-volume cleaning applications. The dirt and oily particles will be taken away when the cleaning is done.

In the Automobile industry, it’s important to keep crates clean before the manufacturing process begins. One way to clean automobile crates before they’re put into place in manufacturing.

Automobile Crate Washer, Crate Washers, IDEF, Rajahmundry

  • Low maintenance costs
  • Hygienic design
  • Custom-made solutions
  • Easy to use
  • High-quality materials and technology
  • Low investment with high efficiency
  • Washing of crates, trays, molds, and assorted parts.
  • Material handling for turn-key solutions.
  • Highly affordable to locomotive industries, automobile industries, Motorcycle spare parts industries, bearings, valves, gear, and other component manufacturing industries that can washing requirement is economically.
  • Nozzles are easy to adjust and easy to clean.
  • Different processes in separate Chambers.
  • Variable speed conveyor.
  • Various sizes and functions are designed as per customers' requirements.

These machines are capable of washing different sizes and shapes of crates. Other issues such as waste removal and water recycling also play an important role in the choice of a washing machine. These custom-built crate washers are built to order and your specifications, as well as options such as drying. The machines can operate either with freshwater or recycled.

IDEF Crate Washer is an expert in hygiene and operates in different sectors. These advantages ensure that our industrial crate washers are sustainable, environmentally friendly, and cost-saving machines. The smallest model in our industrial crate washer range is 100 crates per hour, Model: IDEFCSCW100CPH.

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