Worm Washer

Black Soldier Fly Larvae Washing System

Worm Washer

Farming Black Soldier Fly Larvae (BSFL) is one thing!

But to enjoy the benefits of its high protein content, you will also need the right tool for washing the Black Soldier Fly Larvae (BSFL).

This is why we have developed Black Soldier Fly Larvae Washing System here at IDEF. it is a BSFL washing machine you can use at the site of your black soldier fly farm. The IDEF Black Soldier Fly Larvae Washing System is a kind of continuous cleaning machine designed and manufactured for washing Black Soldier Fly Larvae (BSFL). The machine is made of high-quality 304 stainless steel, which is durable and corrosion-resistant.

So if you're looking for an effective way to wash black soldier fly larva, you should check out The IDEF Black Soldier Fly Larvae Washing System.

It assumes bubble spraying technology to maximize the clean the Black Soldier Fly Larvae. It is an essential washing device for Black Soldier Fly Larvae, seafood processing, and is suitable for all kinds of processing scale enterprises. This multifunctional bubble washing machine works through high-pressure water flow and water bubbles to impact the surface of the product.

  • Low maintenance costs
  • Hygienic design
  • Custom-made solutions
  • Easy to use
  • High-quality materials and technology
  • Low investment with high efficiency
  • Washing of fruits and vegetables such as vegetables, fruits, aquatic products, leafy vegetables, and herbs.
  • Equipped with VFD to better adjust the conveyor speed.
  • Equipped with spraying section with clean water for twice washing.
  • The objects are automatically conveyed to the spraying section by the conveyor.
  • Material handling for turn-key solutions.
  • Different types of filter systems are applicable according to your situation.
  • Material handling for turn-key solutions.
  • Nozzles are easy to adjust and easy to clean
  • Powerful nozzles to remove contaminants
  • Different washing phases for complete cleaning, according to specific needs of hygiene.
  • There is a water level switch that helps to cut back on water waste, and it prevents the pumps from running dry and burning out the machine.

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