Dish Washer

Dish Washer

One of the biggest challenges of running busy restaurants/mega kitchens is keeping the utensils clean.

Regular cleaning can seem overwhelming if you don't have a perfect cleaning system in place.

IDEF Dishwasher is suitable and reduce the labor intensity for restaurants, educational institutions, hotels, mega kitchens, factories, office canteens, and other centralized meal units, they improve work efficiency and improve cleanliness.

Washing dishes with the dishwashing machine can greatly reduce the manual labor. The machine can clean food plates, glasses, bowls, and kitchen utensils. A strong cleaning capacity and high-temperature disinfection function to make sure tableware is clean and safe. Powerful nozzles spray ensures the cleaning from all directions. Powerful pump to ensure faster clean-up times.

  • Low maintenance costs
  • Hygienic design
  • Custom-made solutions
  • Easy to use
  • High-quality materials and technology
  • Low investment with high efficiency
  • Washing of bowls, cups, basins, plates, etc.
  • Using a smart design, powerful function, convenient for the different needs of different customers.
  • Customers can according to their requirements.
  • Different types of filter systems are applicable according to your situation.
  • Material handling for turn-key solutions.
  • Nozzles are easy to adjust and easy to clean.
  • Powerful nozzles to remove contaminants.
  • Different washing phases for complete cleaning, according to specific needs of hygiene.

IDEF Washers can help to maintain a hygienic restaurant / mega kitchen. The user-friendly control system allows for easy operation and maintenance. Save time, save water, save electricity, and the save workforce.

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